Club Show 2011

Snabbrapport från Club Show den 21 maj 2011 med 157 anmälda labradorer, återigen den största labradorutställningen under året!

Labradorklubbens årliga officiella utställningsarrangemang Club Show hölls i år i region Skånes regi. Utställningen hölls på brukshundklubbens marker i Hässleholm, en ovanligt estetisk plats för att vara en brukshundklubb. Finfin välklippt gräsmatta, där det var helt omöjligt att finna minsta grop eller ojämnhet, vilket annars är mer regel än undantag på de flesta utomhusutställningar.

Vädergudarna var som vanligt med oss! Strålande sol och cirka 18 grader, med endast en ljum bris, nej, de yttre förutsättningarna kunde inte ha blivit bättre.

Domarna Mrs Jenny Green och Mr John Crook, båda från Storbritannien hade fullt upp hela dagen med att gå över alla hundarna och innan finalerna gick av stapeln, bjöd regionen på förfriskningar i form av cider och olika sorters tilltugg. Det har kommit att bli en tradition på Club Show att mingla, vilket starkt bidrar till en lättsam och trevlig stämning, där man för en kort stund lägger av sig sin lite strama tävligsattityd.

Så till dagens vinnare.
Cert, BIR och Best in Show, Trendmaker´s Indian Summer.
Denna hane vann även Club Show 2008 i region Smålands regi.

Tikcertet gick till Annual´s The Dreamer som även blev bästa tik.

Best In Show Trendmaker's Indian Summer

Vi gratulerar ägare och uppfödare till två fina representanter för vår ras. Huvudstyrelsen vill rikta ett varmt tack till region Skåne och alla deras funktionärer som starkt bidrog till att göra Club Show till den folkfest det blev!

Våra huvudsponsorer för arrangemanget har varit Agria och Royal Canin. I Labradoren nummer 3 kommer en längre rapport från arrangemanget, samt rapporter från domarna. Vi kommer även att bjuda på trevliga bilder ur vimlet. Till dess kan den intresserade följa arrangemanget på region Skånes hemsida där fotografen för dagen, Stefan Simonsson, lagt ut över 300 bilder från utställningen.

Katarina Ramberg Exteriör/utställningsansvarig LRK

Domare hanar, valpar, BIR:
Mr John Crook, kennel Balrion at Weathertop,

My first breed was Cocker Spaniels and I still retain a great affection for these elegant hard working little dogs, so much so that I served as President of the North Wales Cocker Club up to my move from Wales to California in October 1999. It was not until some five years after I married my late wife, Glenda, that we purchased our first Labrador. That was the start of a love affair with the breed, which remains undiminished to the present day. More than forty years of showing and breeding Labradors both in the UK and the USA, with the Balrion line appearing in over fifteen countries. The Balrion Kennel has produced some outstanding dogs and bitches, but the one that I still use as the pattern for the breed is Sh.Ch. Balrion Kingfrost, the sole male in a litter that produced four UK Champions, an event still unequaled in the breed. I met Saudjie of Weathertop Labradors for the first time when I was judging the Southern California Labrador Retriever Club Specialty. It was the Finnish Labrador Retriever Club who was instrumental in our meeting again, falling in love and getting married. Saudjie was asked by the Club to make one of her famous quilts as the BOB trophy for the World Show when it was held in Helsinki. She wanted to dedicate it to the memory of Glenda Crook and this was agreed subject to my approval. That resulted in our meeting again and the rest is history.
I have been privileged to judge the breed in the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico, Japan, South Africa, Holland, Denmar , Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Eire, Russia, Finland, Estonia, Ukraine, Spain, Poland and Norway, great dogs and wonderful people. Labradors have had a major influence on my life, they have given me my wife Saudjie, and a host of friends around the world, but then what else would one expect from the best breed in the world.


Domare tikar, avels- och uppfödargrupper:
Mrs Jenny Green, kennel Thurbajen, England.

As a youngster I always had a dog of my own, usually a cross bred, but my first love was horses. I rode every day rain or shine, always accompanied by a dog or two. As a teenager I rode for a racing stable for a while, that really was what I wanted to do. But of course they did not have lady jockeys then and I wanted to ride in the Derby. Dogs always paid a very important part in my life and after Thurber came on the scene I started to show and we all know how that then takes over your life. Also she and I did obedience and I took my exam to be a qualified instructor and ran my own training classes for many years. On the show side I was winning well with Thurber and by then her daughter and was completely hooked. By then I was married with two children so I did not show as much as I would have liked but once they were less dependant I used to show nearly every week-end. Judging was next on the list, I give tickets in Labradors only as they are my first love, but I judge all the gundogs at Open level. Judging abroad I have met many lovely people who have become good friends and of course have judged many lovely dogs. It is an honor to be invited to judge for you, I am
very much looking forward to meeting you all in May.